Let the Moon Be Your Guide
Let the Moon Be Your Guide
San Francisco Cat Nap
San Francisco Cat Nap
A Glimpse at Her Majesty
A Glimpse at Her Majesty
Chic Chat
Chic Chat
Goodnight Greenie
Goodnight Greenie
VOID t-shirt fundraiser for Senior Cat Action Network
VOID t-shirt fundraiser for Senior Cat Action Network
A Breath of Fresh Air
A Breath of Fresh Air
Client work for Adobe Photoshop
Client work for Adobe Photoshop
Vacation Cats Puzzle - Galison Puzzles
Vacation Cats Puzzle - Galison Puzzles
Ground Control to Major Tomcat
Ground Control to Major Tomcat
The Accomplice
The Accomplice
Frida & The Falls
Frida & The Falls
Cosmic Catnap
Cosmic Catnap
"What's the Password"
"What's the Password"
Alice Giving New Meaning to the Term House Cat
Alice Giving New Meaning to the Term House Cat
Tangled Up in Blue
Tangled Up in Blue
Reach for the Stars - Limited Edition Holographic Print
Reach for the Stars - Limited Edition Holographic Print
Girl with the Purrl
Girl with the Purrl
This belongs to Valentina Now
This belongs to Valentina Now
Clara Meow
Clara Meow
AstroCat Sticker Pack - Available in my Etsy shop
AstroCat Sticker Pack - Available in my Etsy shop
Canvas Clash 2024 - In conjunction with Durham Art Guild, Weird Productions, and 21c Hotel Durham
Canvas Clash 2024 - In conjunction with Durham Art Guild, Weird Productions, and 21c Hotel Durham
Finn will be sleeping off Paddy's Day until next Caturday.
Finn will be sleeping off Paddy's Day until next Caturday.
Sus Cat
Sus Cat
Teacher's Pet Greeting Card - Available in my Etsy Shop
Teacher's Pet Greeting Card - Available in my Etsy Shop
The All Nighter
The All Nighter
Mateo's Mental Health Day
Mateo's Mental Health Day
Retro Postcard Set - Available in my Etsy shop
Retro Postcard Set - Available in my Etsy shop
Images licensed by Bristol-based design studio, UStudio
Images licensed by Bristol-based design studio, UStudio
Snowy's Spending the Rest of Winter at the Beach
Snowy's Spending the Rest of Winter at the Beach
"Something Stinks" - Editorial Illustration Post-Dobbs Decision
"Something Stinks" - Editorial Illustration Post-Dobbs Decision
Micro Cat is Forever
Micro Cat is Forever
The Mother of Cats
The Mother of Cats
Work for the Cat Lovers Show Australia
Work for the Cat Lovers Show Australia
Ava Just Adores A Penthouse View
Ava Just Adores A Penthouse View
The irony of being reincarnated as the natural phenomena he hated the most was not lost on Walter.
The irony of being reincarnated as the natural phenomena he hated the most was not lost on Walter.
A Love Tail Greeting Card - Available in my Etsy shop
A Love Tail Greeting Card - Available in my Etsy shop
Belinda doesn't understand why you don't go to work anymore.
Belinda doesn't understand why you don't go to work anymore.
Magnus Cattus Show, June '22, Cary Arts Center
Magnus Cattus Show, June '22, Cary Arts Center
Ukraine fundraiser of World Central Kitchen
Ukraine fundraiser of World Central Kitchen
We're All Made of Star Stuff.
We're All Made of Star Stuff.
Cats XXL Calendar - Images licensed to edition selekkt Germany
Cats XXL Calendar - Images licensed to edition selekkt Germany
Trouble Around the Bend
Trouble Around the Bend
Friends Describe Sandy as Stabile - National Collage Society Show
Friends Describe Sandy as Stabile - National Collage Society Show
Princess Grace
Princess Grace
Big Feline is Watching - Analog Collage
Big Feline is Watching - Analog Collage
Mid-Century Modern Postcard Set - Available in my Etsy shop
Mid-Century Modern Postcard Set - Available in my Etsy shop
Sacred Geomeowtry - Analog Collage
Sacred Geomeowtry - Analog Collage
Gorges George
Gorges George
Mr. Mustache
Mr. Mustache
Let the Moon Be Your Guide
Let the Moon Be Your Guide
San Francisco Cat Nap
San Francisco Cat NapGiant sleeping cat by the Port of San Francisco. ©MrMattMcCarthy
A Glimpse at Her Majesty
A Glimpse at Her Majesty A three story tall white cat poses in front of Buckingham palace as onlookers photograph
Chic Chat
Chic Chat Fashionable cat in a turtleneck
Goodnight Greenie
Goodnight GreenieAcrylic on wood, 2024
VOID t-shirt fundraiser for Senior Cat Action Network
VOID t-shirt fundraiser for Senior Cat Action NetworkWhite t-shirt with six black cats in various poses on the back. The word VOID in white inside a black box is on the front left breast of the shirt. Fundraiser through Print Social for the Senior Cat Action Network. I’ll be donating 100% of my proceeds from the shirt. Fundraiser runs until 8/28/2023
A Breath of Fresh Air
A Breath of Fresh AirIntergalactic time traveling cat stops by earth for a breath of fresh air.
Client work for Adobe Photoshop
Client work for Adobe Photoshop
Vacation Cats Puzzle - Galison Puzzles
Vacation Cats Puzzle - Galison Puzzles1500 piece puzzle made with Galison puzzles
Ground Control to Major Tomcat
Ground Control to Major TomcatAstronaut cat with a vaporwave aesthetic. ©mrmattmccarthy
The Accomplice
The Accomplice Black and White image of Sus Cat’s accomplice. ©MrMattMcCarthy
Frida & The Falls
Frida & The Falls Giant orange cat relaxes with a paw hanging over a waterfall in the Faroe Islands
Cosmic Catnap
Cosmic CatnapBlack and white image of a cat yawning, the cosmos (in vivid color) inside their mouth
"What's the Password"
"What's the Password"Giant cat peeks its noise through a catslstle gate
Alice Giving New Meaning to the Term House Cat
Alice Giving New Meaning to the Term House CatInspired by Alice in Wonderland, a giant cat is stuck with a house around their neck
Tangled Up in Blue
Tangled Up in BlueAcrylic on wood, 2024
Reach for the Stars - Limited Edition Holographic Print
Reach for the Stars - Limited Edition Holographic PrintHolographic print featuring a giant cat paw poking out from the center of a hurricane
Girl with the Purrl
Girl with the PurrlVermeer’s Girl with Pearl Earring, but with a cat’s nose and mouth replacing the girl’s
This belongs to Valentina Now
This belongs to Valentina NowGiant cat plays with the obelisk in Buenos Aires.
Clara Meow
Clara Meow Collage featuring a white cat and an image of Clara Bow.
AstroCat Sticker Pack - Available in my Etsy shop
AstroCat Sticker Pack - Available in my Etsy shopSpace cat-themed sticker pack
Canvas Clash 2024 - In conjunction with Durham Art Guild, Weird Productions, and 21c Hotel Durham
Canvas Clash 2024 - In conjunction with Durham Art Guild, Weird Productions, and 21c Hotel Durham
Finn will be sleeping off Paddy's Day until next Caturday.
Finn will be sleeping off Paddy's Day until next Caturday.
Sus Cat
Sus CatIconic black cat with a suspicious nature
Teacher's Pet Greeting Card - Available in my Etsy Shop
Teacher's Pet Greeting Card - Available in my Etsy Shop
The All Nighter
The All Nighter Enormous yawning cat in New York City at night
Mateo's Mental Health Day
Mateo's Mental Health DayRidiculously oversized cat reclining on the beach surrounded by tiny humans with the green-tinted sea behind them
Retro Postcard Set - Available in my Etsy shop
Retro Postcard Set - Available in my Etsy shop
Images licensed by Bristol-based design studio, UStudio
Images licensed by Bristol-based design studio, UStudioHand holding two greeting cards: both are black and white, one features a cat with a mustache, the other a cat with it’s eyes rolling
Snowy's Spending the Rest of Winter at the Beach
Snowy's Spending the Rest of Winter at the Beach Massive cat sleeps on a crowded beach during summer
"Something Stinks" - Editorial Illustration Post-Dobbs Decision
"Something Stinks" - Editorial Illustration Post-Dobbs DecisionBlack and white image. Enormous cat nose above the Supreme Court building
Micro Cat is Forever
Micro Cat is ForeverModified vintage image advertising a small cat
The Mother of Cats
The Mother of Cats Surreal blurry image featuring a large white cat holding a smaller white cat
Work for the Cat Lovers Show Australia
Work for the Cat Lovers Show Australia Enormous orange cat fills the field of the Melbourne Cricket Ground clutching a red football.
Ava Just Adores A Penthouse View
Ava Just Adores A Penthouse View
The irony of being reincarnated as the natural phenomena he hated the most was not lost on Walter.
The irony of being reincarnated as the natural phenomena he hated the most was not lost on Walter. A grumpy cat living in a cloud
A Love Tail Greeting Card - Available in my Etsy shop
A Love Tail Greeting Card - Available in my Etsy shop
Belinda doesn't understand why you don't go to work anymore.
Belinda doesn't understand why you don't go to work anymore.
Magnus Cattus Show, June '22, Cary Arts Center
Magnus Cattus Show, June '22, Cary Arts CenterWhite gallery wall featuring five of the pieces from my Magnus Cattus show
Ukraine fundraiser of World Central Kitchen
Ukraine fundraiser of World Central KitchenAn enormous orange cat defends Kyiv as the Ukrainian flag waves in the background
We're All Made of Star Stuff.
We're All Made of Star Stuff. Inspired by Carl Sagan. A yawning cat with the cosmos in it’s mouth.
Cats XXL Calendar - Images licensed to edition selekkt Germany
Cats XXL Calendar - Images licensed to edition selekkt GermanyCover of calendar. City-sized orange and white cat yawns in Toronto Canada behind the Text: Cats XXL 2023
Trouble Around the Bend
Trouble Around the BendCute cat pokes its head out of a tunnel.
Friends Describe Sandy as Stabile - National Collage Society Show
Friends Describe Sandy as Stabile - National Collage Society ShowAlexander Calder sculpture on top of a cat. Accepted into the annual National Collage Society juried show 2019
Princess Grace
Princess Grace
Big Feline is Watching - Analog Collage
Big Feline is Watching - Analog Collage
Mid-Century Modern Postcard Set - Available in my Etsy shop
Mid-Century Modern Postcard Set - Available in my Etsy shop
Sacred Geomeowtry - Analog Collage
Sacred Geomeowtry - Analog Collage
Gorges George
Gorges GeorgeNorth Carolina mountains in fall with a gigantic orange cat
Clickbait Intentionally self censored image of a three-eyed cat
Mr. Mustache
Mr. Mustache
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